A poem by Taylor Hines...Honest and Inspiring.
The River of Life
I have been isolated
Yet I have been surrounded
Each of these a learning curve
Never ceasing to twist and turn
On this river of life
The greatest of fortunes have been brought to me
Though none come easily
The dreariest of days
Have encapsulated my soul
Yet all are worth what they have given
On this river of life
Shallow are the depths of some encountered
But this does not make them less meaningful
Or less brave, or less wise
I have come to find that differences are not just that
Now seeking to learn what is offered
If a chance is given
On this river of life
I have been captivated
Yet I have been challenged
To love and, more, allow it to be received
To let it flow through my mind
And encapsulate my very being
Forgiveness has not been an easy task
As difficulties have arisen, and attacked my depths
Like jumping into a freezing river with no escape
On this river of life
My mind has been flooded
With confusions and externalities
But ever so clear is this river now
Some rivers go a lifetime untouched, unloved, unforgiven for their murkiness
All rivers rise and fall in time
The lessons I have learned from my river of life
And the people who have come to float its course
Have been ever changing, ever loving, ever teaching
Though some as constant as the morning sun
I hope they will always remember the time spent on this river
As it will always remember their visits
And welcome them again
Remember this river as a fun summer vacation, though some summer murkier than others
Although, no river can ever be perfect
And that is just fine
The depths of this river are now hopeful and calm
Yet thankful for the most wonderful visitors it could have encountered
And loving of those who continue to bless its existence
Ever knowing the next wonderful addition to this river of life
Lies just beyond the bend
By Taylor Hines